Friday, December 7, 2012

Not Quite

Not Quite

This one is the right height
Another a perfect color of eyes
That leaves me paralyzed
I search for Mr. Right

Yet maybe I should settle
For Mr. Not Quite

This man is a dance delight
This one teaches prose
Beautiful I suppose
I search for Mr. Right

Yet maybe I should settle
For Mr. Not Quite

This charmer I love at night
Here is one that likes to flirt
Another one to play in the dirt
I search for Mr. Right

Yet maybe I should settle
For Mr. Not Quite

C. Lin Rawlins May 17 2000©


  1. Ah... the ever continuing search for a companion and the worry of settling for something less than what we could have.

    A lot of times I wonder if I'm just as petulant as the girl in Sense and Sensibility who refuses to see the true love in front of her.
